

Jun 15, 2023

The Great British Sewing Bee 2023, BBC One, review: Hanging on by a thread

Returning for its ninth series, The Great British Sewing Bee reprised the familiar format of Bake Off, The Great Pottery Throw Down, and any number of other gently competitive BBC hobby contests. Twelve amateur contestants per series, three challenges per episode, two judges (Esme Young and Patrick Grant here) and bunting – or if not literal bunting, the church fête spirit of it.

For the next hour, the most troubling thing that could happen was an untidy hem – and in an endlessly troubling world, perhaps that tepid escapism is precisely the show's appeal.

In their first challenge, the contestants were tasked with making a top with a twist in the front. With everyone working from the same pattern, fabric choices became the only way to show off their personal taste to the judges. Floral-smocked Fauve chose a tight flowery print for her blouse, Bafta-winning game designer Catherine picked a fabric that looked like her tattoo sleeve, and police dispatcher Vicki went for palm trees on a yellow background that bore a resemblance to the outfit she was wearing.

As the clock ran down, retiree Gillie realised she had sewn one of her sleeves on backwards, while Catherine had sewn hers on upside down and not managed the neat French seams that the garment required. As judging commenced, Cardiff surgeon Asmaa's impeccable seams and pattern placement landed her at the top of the pack. Meanwhile, Catherine and Gillie's missteps put them in 12th and 11th places, respectively.

Offering an analogy for the next challenge – revamping corporate-wear – host Sara Pascoe accidentally delivered a pitch-perfect summary of the show itself: "Hmm, a birthday card from a boring relative… Ooh look, there's money inside!" Hmm, an outdated TV contest – ooh look, a jaunty blouse!

Asmaa's surgical neatness stood her in good stead again, while Gillie's take on a pencil skirt – "I’m going to make it a bit more come-hitherish" – fell in the middle of the pack. As for Vicki, her orange-sleeved top looked like something you might see in M&S.

Apparently that was a good thing. With Vicki earning second place and teaching assistant Matthew's adventurous shirt – half formal button down and half bondage harness – coming first, the contestants limbered up for their final Made to Measure challenge, in which they created outfits featuring cut-outs for real-life models.

Dresses proved popular, with three contestants working on iterations of the same design. That might sound like a recipe for confrontation, but don't worry, nothing interesting happened. Everyone was very polite, even when Catherine provided the show's closest pass at drama with a brief meltdown ("there's no elastic on the front. It's going to look terrible").

As Patrick and Esme proclaimed teacher Tony W's cut-out dress the "garment of the week" and waved farewell to Catherine, Sewing Bee's format felt staggeringly anachronistic. For those who want to see innovative sewing under pressure, there are a million episodes of Drag Race. TV is awash with stimulating competition and human interest, but neither can be found here. Sewing Bee's primary function is to be soothing but it ends up more soporific.

Sewing Bee isn't broken, so it doesn't need fixing. But it is boring. After nine series, I am beginning to wonder if this programme – and the "Great British" format – has had its day.