

Mar 09, 2023

Over the garden wall is the new planting horizon

In Singapore about four years ago, I saw some amazing green "vertical gardens". The potential benefits for building insulation and air purification were being studied, but the visual advantages of the greening of stark concrete walls were easy to appreciate immediately. Over here, green walls are starting to grab the attention of gardeners, especially those who are short of space or have monotonous stretches of wall or fence.

However, many of us have concerns regarding the installation, maintenance and running costs. Starting with basic DIY systems, Christine Walkden told me how she had experimented with an old wooden pallet: she placed it upright, lined it with black polythene and filled the inside with compost. She then planted the tops and the sides. A clever idea. You could paint the pallet in a snazzy colour, too.

Another inexpensive system is the Babilon strip planter made by Farm Upwards (, which can be hung on a wall or fence. These are 12cm wide and have pouches formed within the sturdy white polythene which you fill with coir compost. At £10 for a strip with 12 pockets, they are probably the cheapest on the market. You water the top pocket and it percolates down (provided you grow in coir). If you use soil, it does not let water move so easily, so you would need to water each pocket.

For a smarter DIY system, Treebox ( makes the Easiwall system. This consists of tiered pockets made from recycled polypropylene; they come in all sorts of sizes, from 50cm x 10cm to 100cm x 200cm. You position each panel and fix them to a wall or fence, although they are almost self-supporting. You fill the pockets with the recommended compost, which is free-draining and includes crushed brick. Each "shelf" has an irrigation system within it.

Treebox recommends, if you grow vegetables, to include some evergreen plants so the wall looks good in winter. However, the module design is slick, so seeing it might not be a problem. Treebox does more sophisticated systems for commercial projects, too.

A client has just asked me for a green wall to soften a 4m stretch of towering blockwork, so I set about researching the pros and cons.

Scotscape ( specialises in commercial and amateur systems. Sam Bothwell, the technical director, says they also maintain 80 per cent of the green walls they install.

Bothwell tells me that the Scotscape system consists of a 50mm-thick membrane, which is a sandwich of three materials. The outer layer is a felt-type fabric with pockets (for holding plants). This abuts a layer of capillary matting which, in turn, is fixed to a PVC waterproof layer.

Scotscape says this system is lighter than others on the market, with a maximum weight of 35-40kg per sq m, so it can even be fixed to a fence. It costs about £200 per sq m unplanted. Another advantage is that the irrigation is easily accessible, so any blocked nozzles can be sorted.

The set-up for my 4m-high vertical green wall calls for horizontal timber batons fixed to the blockwork at 25cm centres. The fabric is attached to a small metal hanging rail at every metre. At the top, an irrigation pipe with pressure drip emitters is fixed to ensure even distribution.

On average this requires about 1 litre of water per sq m per day through the year – sometimes more in summer, but in winter the irrigation can often be switched off. The pockets will be planted with 9cm or one-litre pot-grown plants. There is paving at the base of the wall, so we will install a gully to remove surplus water. If the wall was by a border, the excess water could percolate through the soil instead.

I was concerned about maintenance. If these walls are lush, they can look superb, but the thought of looking at a wall of dying plants is a worry. Bothwell says their standard regime includes a visual check once a fortnight to ensure the irrigation is working.

Then, once or twice a year, they do a heavy cut-back of plants to keep the foliage neat and dense. With large commercial systems, liquid feed is added to the irrigation, but on smaller systems they just water on a liquid feed or use slow-release pellets. They also weed, although not much is needed.

The plants you use will be determined by the aspect of the wall (north, south, east or west) and the look you are going for. Many big commercial walls look highly stylised and almost artificial, which is not perhaps what you would want in a garden, where a softer, more informal look may work better.

With the pocket system, it's easy to alter or add plants. You can pop in some bulbs, perhaps snowdrops or low-growing agapanthus, for seasonal interest. Many systems involve planting in blocks of one type of plant, but I think we will go for interlocking groups for a more informal feel.

As our wall is north-facing and shaded by a building, I have picked six core plants: hart's tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium), Liriope muscari 'Big Blue’, Euphorbia martinii 'Tiny Tim’, Vinca minor, Geranium 'Jolly Bee’ and Erysimum 'Bowles Mauve’.

It might be too shady for the last, but we will try it – and add primroses for a woodland bank feel and a few native daffodils and possibly even native bluebells.

In a sunny spot, lavenders, Convolvulus cneorum, low agapanthus, Veronica umbrosa 'Georgia Blue’ and Erigeron karvinskianus would work well.